The beginning of the Gospel passage from St. Mark today speaks about marriage and divorce⎯but is less an instruction in this than it is about hardness of hearts in any relationship. Think about the image of marriage: vows to love, cherish and honor one another⎯this is what we are called by our baptism to do for all people!
The Gospel goes on as people bring their children to Jesus that He might touch them, and it ends with the familiar “Amen, I say you to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Today we are asked to examine the attitudes and the behaviors that shape all of our relationships, whether in marriage or family or a parish community.
The vows in a marriage ceremony contain the words; “No longer two, but one flesh. Let no one divide what God has joined…” This is great advice for any—and all—of our relationships! We are joined in community, “married” in the body of Christ, by our baptism and our belief. By our Baptism we all have promised to love, cherish and honor each other. Look, listen, sing or read the words to the hymn “When Love Is Found” (#543). This is a perfect description of relationship—the paradigm is one of marriage—but these words work for any human relationship. We love deeply, we are sinners and being human we disappoint each other; but in the end, to continue on together, to work and live and play together, and we must forgive…
We can only endeavor to keep doing our best; and when we make mistakes, strive to do better. Our Psalm today says: “May the Lord bless you all the days of your life.” We receive God’s blessings by following the great advice we have received today for any relationship: to keep God present in all our choices; in all we say and do.
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc
Just a note: First: thank you for all the prayers and well wishes for a speedy recovery! I appreciate it very much. I am plugging along, doing my Physical Therapy faithfully (thanks to my PT, Mandy Manalese); and I am working hard to get back to work in our lovely field of souls. Please continue to pray me through, thanks!