It is clear that we are called to serve! The new covenant is written within the people of God; a promise that we will be the people of God, the promise of eternal salvation through following Jesus’ example of The Suffering Servant. We know that life brings suffering. There's no need to create it by setting up artificial sacrifices (as was the practice in the pre-Vatican II days). We only need to shoulder the suffering that comes to us in our lives naturally. Jesus demonstrates obedience by what he sacrificed and suffered, not from something He created in order to suffer, but He suffered by following His Father’s will. Suffering will come to us also, of course, if we maintain our Christian integrity in the face of the secular world around us.
So: set out to serve others, and the suffering will come. Family will criticize the choice of service over a career ladder. Friends will walk away from our championing of unpopular issues: a preferential option for the poor, peace in the face of war, opposition to capital punishment and choice, forgiveness of our enemies, criticism of the “popular” perspective. In time, too, the suffering from the knowledge of impending death will come upon those we love, and upon us.
By our Baptism we are called to imitate this grain, and through service to die to self and produce fruit for the Kingdom. “We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You, because by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.” This is the covenant: in our actions of love and service, God is glorified and we are saved.
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc