St. Paul reminds us today that we must be a new creation, “Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule…” Jesus in the Gospel gives us instruction for our mission and work in the kingdom: we are told what we are sent to do, how we are going to do it, and what we need to keep in mind in order to deal with what we will meet. But if you don’t believe you have a mission, then these instructions are academic—moot—and don’t relate to what is real and present and active in our lives right now.
You are “sent” to all the people you meet in the various places of your life: home, work, school, at play. You are sent to prepare others to receive His inspiration, comfort, mercy and love through you and your actions—and you are warned how difficult this can be—that sometimes you are sent like “a lamb among wolves.” You are not (never) to force anything; but to make peace, to respect what the other person is and has, to take them where you find them, to seek common ground as fellow beings, and to gratefully share the light and love of Christ—by being your authentic, Christian self.
Do you have a sense of God’s mission in your life? It’s not about accomplishing a head count, but about being glad you know Jesus and being glad if you can help someone else know Him a little too by witnessing the power of grace, love, peace and mercy. The Psalm for today is: “Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.” If your life and choices show those around you that this is what you believe—that you indeed live in God’s joy and live for why you were sent—then you will live the mission with which you have been entrusted.
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc