With the end of the Christmas season today we are still singing things of Christmas, and at the same time also celebrating Jesus’ baptism and remembering our own baptismal promises as prophesied in Isaiah: “the victory of justice…a light for the nations, to open the eyes of the blind…” Today ends the story of the Nativity of Jesus—a little sad, because we love this story so (and all that comes with it)—and yet today begins Jesus’ ministry story told in scripture: the story that leads to our salvation! Bitter-sweet; for we know what lies ahead for Jesus…
This last Sunday of the Christmas Season I would again like to take the opportunity to thank those in the Music Ministry (the young and the youthful) for their dedication and service to the Parish of St. Aidan. The long rehearsals, the extra rehearsals and the private practice are a huge commitment and sacrifice of time, talent and treasure. (But oh so rewarding!) Please hug any age Choir/Music Ministry member today and thank them for all the time and effort spent to serve the Parish well!
Next weekend we will see changes in the liturgy reflecting the beginning of the new season of Ordinary Time: the Gloria and Eucharistic Acclamations will change, there will be no post-Gospel Acclamation, and we will speak our response to the Prayers of the Faithful. Today ends the Christmas Season and we begin a new season—our liturgical ‘countdown’ that leads us to Lent and beyond. A new season begins!
Keep Singing!
Elizabeth Dyc
Just a Note: Have you ever considered becoming a member of the St. Aidan Music Ministry? Do you love music and singing God’s praises? Now is the time to join in for the second half of this year’s 2019-2020 schedule—in order to sing the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord—and participate in Lent/Holy Week/Easter. We are looking to expand our membership in all our choirs (Adults, Men and Women and Children). If you love to sing, come and see me after any mass! Or contact me at: [email protected]