In the Book of the Prophet Baruch, the Responsorial Psalm, and in the Gospel (quoting Isaiah), we hear incredible poetic and lovely visions of the future for the children of God: peace and justice personified by a desert people as level paths, fragrant shade trees, light in darkest moments as reminders of the ‘bright’ promises God has made and will keep.
John the Baptist also reminds us today to repent; for we have a responsibility as the Baptised to further God’s reign on earth. St. Paul’s prayer for the Philippians (for all of us) is for the knowledge that will make love overflow; the wisdom found in keenness of perception; the insight and discernment to put faith into practice. This is a good prayer always, but especially at this busy time of year when our lives seem dictated by secular expectations.
In the Sacramentary, an alternative opening prayer pleads that “the lure of greed not impede us from the joy which moves the hearts of those who seek Christ.” We are reminded that all flesh shall see the salvation of God. This hope of salvation is truly our Advent Gladsong. Heartily rejoice Jerusalem! Comfort, Comfort, O My People, for “The Lord has done great things for us!”
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc