On the Sundays throughout this year B in our liturgical cycle, we have been hearing the Gospel according to St. Mark. Today, and for the next four Sundays, however, we will hear sections from the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel drawing us into the image of Jesus as the Bread of Life. In the first three Sundays of this Bread of Life Discourse of St. John, we see how God sent Bread (Jesus) from heaven. We are to believe and that is how we are led to eternal life. The Old Testament Readings of these three Sundays are miracle stories of being fed from heaven, and the Responsorial Psalms call us to bless the Lord for the wonderful ways in which we are fed by God. Today, this Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, both the Old Testament reading from the second Book of Kings and the Gospel of John, are about a multiplication of loaves to feed the people—with plenty left over! The Responsorial Psalm today is: “The hand of Lord feeds us; He answers all our needs.” Listen closely to the verses of this Psalm about God’s great generosity! In the Gospel today we hear the familiar story of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes and how all who come to Jesus are fed. This miracle took place during the Passover (the liberation of the Jews from Egypt—the Exodus), and the Feast of the Unleavened Bread—all of which adds another element of mystery in the miracle story of the sharing of the bread with Jesus. When we are present and join in the Eucharist at Mass we share the many mysteries of this history and in the Paschal mystery itself. The loaves and fish were multiplied by the incredible miracle of the sharing of the people—overcoming our natural human, fearful and selfish tendencies—all present there acted in love. Many times in our seasons and cycles I have witnessed this love of Community working together here at St. Aidan—I see the multiplication of talent, generosity and love! (Don’t forget to pray on joining a Ministry at St. Aidan—many hands—and voices—are needed!) St. Paul reminds us today to “live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love…” We are to be fed the Bread of Life and then transformed in our joining together at the table of the Eucharist. This is food for our journey in life. This is the nourishment for endurance and for change in order to be what we profess to be: the disciples and believers in Christ. Each Sunday, we gather and experience a foretaste of the heavenly banquet where all are filled. We know that those who hunger in faith will be satisfied. Through us, Jesus’ feeding work continues, whether at Mass, in our Church, in our homes, families and Community, and in the larger world. We are all called, as baptized Christians, to feed everyone. Each Sunday We Remember how he loved us to His death, and we know Him In The Breaking of the Bread. We Are Called and we sing the Song of the Body of Christ together. We Come in Joy to Meet the Lord, and We Gather Together at the Table of Plenty to Taste and See of His goodness. We Come and Eat This Bread, knowing, Lord, that You Satisfy the Hungry Heart. So Take and Eat, and Look Beyond the obvious. Behold the Lamb of God who Now in This Banquet gives us Life-Giving Bread, Saving Cup. Make of Your Hands a Throne to Receive the Living God. He makes of us One Bread, One Body. He is The Bread of Life, Bread for the World and Our Blessing Cup. Keep singing! Elizabeth Dyc Just a Note: Here is a song by Casting Crowns and another by a group called Brook Hills Music about us as the body of Christ—“food for thought” in that we must be transformed by the Body of Christ to be the body of Christ in this world... |
AuthorsElizabeth Dyc. Our Director of Music Ministry. Archives
February 2025
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St. Aidan Catholic Church
17500 Farmington Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 Phone: 734-425-5950 [email protected] Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM |