So, what would you give to attain this pearl of great price? Would you give your all? That is the point of the Gospel parables. What do you give in order to gain a place in the kingdom? (Fr. Kevin has spoken of sacrifice for doing the right thing!) We work so hard for so many things that we will not take with us into the next world. In the third parable we hear how the net will be cast to collect fish of every kind. The good fish will be separated from the bad fish—like last week’s story of the wheat and the weeds.
Now is the time for you to pray for the Wisdom of Solomon, for discernment and right judgment in determining your priorities for your time, talent and treasure. What will you give for the pearl of great price, for your place at the table? Would you give a few hours to serve your Community? Would you be willing give up a couple of hours of television, change or rearrange your schedule, take a chance for eternity?
The incredible thing about any ministry in God is how it leads you on to more ministries and more gifts from God. It is true that so many times in the very midst of giving, you will find yourself receiving. So, take a chance on true treasure, on this pearl, because where your treasure is, there your heart will be.
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc