The story of Bartimaeus is a paradigm, an archetype for the faith story for many of us. We all need courage in order to go to Jesus; he is calling all of us. Our old life has to die for the new life in Him. It takes courage to change. We all know how difficult it is to change, but “Take courage…Jesus is calling you.”
We all understand that blindness may be a metaphor for a lack of wisdom, understanding and/or faith. In faith we know that all we need to do is ask, “Master, I want to see.” We all yearn for the grace that faith brings! In answering the call of Jesus, we must also follow him on the way. It takes courage to really see the things near and far that affect us or others or outcomes and circumstances. It takes courage to face an uncomfortable reality, but this is what we are called to: seeing with eyes of faith and acting as Jesus would.
Pray for and give thanks to God for the grace of eyes of faith, and for the opportunity to be together in worship and praise. We are all in some ways like Bartimaeus, in that our faith has saved us, too.
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc
Just a Note: Thank you all for the cards and well wishes and prayers for my continued recovery and return. I feel your support as I go through this process. Please know that the St. Aidan Community is always in my prayers!