Today’s Feast of The Baptism of the Lord forms a bridge between this Christmas Season and the next: it is both the culmination of Christmas and the beginning of Ordinary Time; it is both an ending and a beginning. Today, with the end of the Christmas Season, we still sing things of Christmas—and yet we celebrate Jesus’ baptism today (remembering our own baptismal promises) and the beginning of His public ministry as prophesied in Isaiah: “the victory of justice…a light for the nations, to open the eyes of the blind…”
This last Sunday of the Christmas Season I would like to take the opportunity again to thank all those member-volunteers of the Music Ministry (the young and the youthful) for their dedication and service to the Parish of St. Aidan. The long rehearsals, extra rehearsals and private practice are a huge commitment and sacrifice of time, talent and treasure in order to bring meaning, love, joy and beauty to our liturgical celebrations. Please hug any age Choir/Music Ministry member today and thank them for all the time and effort spent to serve the Parish well!
Next weekend we will see changes in the liturgy reflecting the beginning of the new season of Ordinary Time: the Gloria will change, there will be no post-Gospel Acclamation, we will speak our response to the Prayers of the Faithful and we will sing a different set of Eucharistic Acclamations. Ordinary Time means ordinal, or, counted time. In this new (next) season we will study Jesus’ ministry—which is really anything but ordinary!
Today ends the Christmas Season and we begin our liturgical ‘countdown’ that leads us to Lent and beyond. A new season of spiritual resolutions begins! May God bless you in this New Year with good health, peace and prosperity. In the meantime: Keep Singing!
Elizabeth Dyc