Today this Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary (counted) Time we hear that the Prophet Jeremiah is persued and persecuted by his people for speaking the truth—he is denounced on every side and waiting for the ax to fall—and he reminds us that God will “rescue the poor from the power of the wicked.” There is some comfort there—in knowing that God is in charge of the “just deserts” of those in power who choose for themselves—rather than for the people they serve.
St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans reminds us that God’s grace gave us the gift of Jesus—grace that overflows for all! (No exceptions!) In the Gospel today Jesus tells us to: “Fear no one. Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known.” He says it is better to be afraid of choosing sin rather than speaking the truth and standing up for what is right and good. He reminds us that everything that occurs happens with God’s knowledge—so “Be Not Afraid” of doing right and facing injustice—as His grace is sufficient to strengthen you and give you voice.
These are times that are trying, stressful and disturbing: there is sadness and pain for the deaths, anxieties and fear caused by Covid19; social unrest and injustice; economic stress. However, the terrible economic problems and social injustices that have been brought into the light, revealed by this pandemic—and may be seen as a grace from God really, a silver lining—in that we have the opportunity to do better to make a more just, merciful, compassionate and kind society. “The spirit of truth will testify to me, says the Lord; and you also will testify”—by your actions and by your power and by your words and by your privilege. What helps in any difficult situation is knowing that we need not be afraid to do right—that we are supported—because His grace is sufficient for us all.
Keep singing in your hearts and minds!
Elizabeth Dyc
Just a note: A few weeks ago in explaining about the new rubrics (rules) for singing at mass I printed/posted a picture of all of our stored Journeysong Hymnals. I saw this small prayer service for the storing of hymnals from the Cathedral of the Angels from Los Angeles and wished that I had thought to do this. It is short and lovely—and expresses well our prayer for a return (sooner rather than later) to Assembly and shared singing.
Also included in today’s “Just a Note” is a litany/prayer for those who experience violence.
Litany for People Experiencing Violence
Response: Remember Us, O God
When injustice strikes down your children…
When hatred overwhelms conscience…
When violence tears apart human hearts…
When ignorance seems to win the day…
When turmoil is greater than our stamina…
When abusive power grows even stronger…
When the innocent grieve in oppressed silence…
When hopelessness makes a home in us…
When wars and violence rage in the daylight…
When bitterness has a seat at the table…
When blame pits us against one another…
When selfishness makes us cowardly…
When truth turns to destructive opinion…
When Your truth seems far away…
We will persevere in faith…
We will persevere in love…
We will persevere in wisdom…
We will persevere in your call to justice…
We will persevere in kindness…