Today the words of Isaiah paint a picture of our future and heavenly salvation. All will be healed and sing and dance for joy! When my Mom died too young of cancer (many years ago), I was comforted with the idea that in heaven she danced and sang; that she finally had “no cane, no pain.”
In the Gospel story today we hear of how Jesus heals the deaf-mute man. Upon receiving his hearing and voice, Jesus has also opened the man’s senses to the power of God. This grace is also for us too: to speak and to do, to dance and sing in order to further the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (Pick up your hymnals!)
The start of the 2024-25 program year is upon us! Are you ‘open’ to the needs of your Community? Ephphatha! Be open! Is there a ministry for you? There is so much healing, singing, and such amazing grace for those in any ministry—both given and received! Be a miracle for your Parish and join or do something. (Time, talent, treasure!)
Where to begin? Ask God that you be open to ministry—and pray for guidance. If you like to sing (and can sing in tune), please email me at [email protected] or see me after any Mass—and consider joining the St. Aidan Music Ministry. (If you are unsure of your gift, don’t worry, just check with me! This is part of my job as a pastoral church musician.)
We hear the Prophet Isaiah say: “Be strong, fear not!” Jesus tells us to be open: “Ephphatha!” So, Lift Every Voice and Sing, Be Not Afraid, for Jesus, the Healer of Our Every Ill will Open the Eyes of Your Heart and help us all with His Amazing Grace!
Ephphatha! Keep Singing!
Elizabeth Dyc