By our baptism, we put on Christ, and so we become Christ for others. We are all anointed to bring the Good News to the world in our person, in our actions, in our work and in our play. Our lives should tell a Gospel story to those around us; to be a fulfillment of those promises. We are called to bring God’s vision to fulfillment in all that we say and do.
Wouldn't the best thing be for us to live in such a way that we can't tell where we end and Christ begins in our lives—to be so intermingled with Christ that we could never be separated? Isn't this how it is supposed to be?
In the First Reading from the Book of Nehemiah the people listened attentively to the Word and rejoiced because the Lord is their (our) strength, giving glory and praise to God. In the Gospel the people looked intently at Jesus—as we also should keep our eyes focused on Him. In this way, we see that what Jesus promises He brings to pass─to fulfillment. Implementing the Gospel in our lives depends upon hearing it attentively, listening openly, and responding faithfully. There is fulfillment in the way we sing the Song of the Body of Christ—so Keep Singing!
Elizabeth Dyc