Having arrived at Gaudete Sunday means we are halfway through Advent to Christmas! Yikes! Time is flying, and we all have lists and are checking them twice… It isn’t easy to keep the reason for the season front and center, but this is what we are called to do. Soon we will officially begin celebrating Christmas while the rest of the world is “done” by December 26th. You will have to do your part to impart the Christmas ideal while the rest of the world is doing New Year’s and looking toward St. Valentine’s Day… But, “Be strong, fear not!” This is today’s Advent message—given by a prophet so that we may also profess our belief in salvation, regardless of season—sacred or secular.
The following article/letter is again a reprint from my past writings—I thought it was worth reading/hearing some reminders about what our focus should be for this season as we approach the celebration of the birth of Jesus. No matter what—it may be food for thought in this busy time…
So remember: rejoice! And keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc