St. Paul tells us “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious…” He tells us not to be anxious, but to live by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. Jesus tells us today that if we do not live as Scripture instructs, “the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”
We are the vineyards. Our lives, actions and choices must produce good spiritual fruit in the world. This is our task, our calling, our duty, our joy. The fundamental mistake most of us make is to think that “being spiritual” is some rapturous state of mind or unique lifestyle reserved for the elite. A spiritual life is for everyone who wears the name of Christ. Godliness is supposed to be the norm. Christians, we suppose, are called to (try to) be saints all the time—not two generations after their funerals.
Let me tell you about a few genuinely spiritual people: there is the guy who helps the widow by shoveling her snow, the gal who visits sick neighbors with chicken soup, the person who takes the time to listen to some other person in crisis, the grandparent who volunteers to read to the blind. You know many of them, too.
Spirituality isn't about living above the mundane and ordinary stuff of life. It isn't a mystical feeling or pious face. It isn't reading the Bible all the time or getting up to pray for two hours every morning before the sun comes up (although these good things can help shape your spiritual ground). Spirituality is about where you are today, your life’s priorities. It is a way of life that honors commitments, behaves with integrity, accepts people the way they are, and is generous. It is exhibited by going to work, changing diapers, fixing meals, cutting grass, being self-controlled in traffic, and showing patience to unpleasant people. God is honored best in the everyday and ordinary things of your life. This is the way to produce good and spiritual fruit, to be a godly vineyard.
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc
Just a note: Don’t let the word “audition” keep you from trying out for the Music Ministry—an “audition” is a simple scale to see if you can match pitch and check your voice extension (range). Be Not Afraid! Come and join us to Sing of the Lord’s Goodness! Ask yourself—How Can I Keep From Singing? With your voice come and give Glory and Praise to Our God! There Is a Place for you!