We might (and should) take the opportunity to reflect on our own personal vocations; our own Communal and spiritual commitment because of these “call” stories today. There is so much to do, so much to be done, so much to learn, and yes, always room for spiritual growth through good works, prayer and praise.
Sometimes I think it’s about just showing up. A few years ago I made myself sit with my husband and watch a game I wasn’t interested in, started to learn about the game, enjoyed the company and ended up having a good time and looking forward to the next game we would share. (Football…and the Lions…)
I guess the point of conversion and change is that the first step to any commitment or service is to just show up. Now I love the game; and it was quite a change for us to share this then and now. So what does it mean, to just show up? It may mean giving comfort to a friend in their loss; to listen when people just need an ear and not advice—to be there and present in the moment. It may mean to give a hug when there are no words; or send a “thinking of you” any way you can: snail mail, text, or better yet—a call. Showing up may be those extra working hands needed in your families, communities, and parish. Doing something!
Here at St. Aidan there are many opportunities for prayer and praise in action now. There are many opportunities to discover our vocation and how we can be of service. May we all hear God’s call to holiness and be ready like Isaiah and the Disciples: to be open to hear God’s call, to show up by having ready our answer: “Yes, Lord! Here I am!”
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc