On a more ironic note, there isn't a golfer in the world who shouts, “Thomas Jefferson!” when he misses a putt, or a fan who screams “Mother Theresa” when his pro-player misses the goal, or a plumber who screams, “Mahatma Gandhi!” when he smashes his fingers! While I would prefer that no one use the Lord's name in such a way, even this is a “backhanded” reminder of the Lord's imprint on our world.
Jesus is in a category apart from anybody else in this world. He leaves His imprint on us all, as well. He will change the way we respond because His imprint on our hearts is even more significant than His imprint on the calendar.
The imprint we hear about in the readings today upon the people He encountered is obvious. Today (Divine Mercy Sunday, the Second Sunday of Easter), in the Acts of the Apostles we hear: “The Community of believers was of one mind and heart…” Wow! St. John tells us that “whoever is begotten by God conquers the world.” Wow! And in the Gospel of John today we hear how Thomas puts his hand in the wounds (the imprint of crucifixion) of Jesus and then believes and receives the peace of Christ. Wow! The experience of belief changes us forever, imprints us forever, for those whose lives are touched by Him. He is risen! He is risen, indeed!
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc