St. Paul writes about having lived in both humble and plentiful circumstances; in being well-fed and of being hungry; about abundance and need. He says: “My God will fully supply whatever you need…” The message in these three readings is how God satisfies us in all things; strength and sustenance come from the Lord, and we are all invited to the heavenly banquet. In the Gospel parable today, though, Jesus points out that although all are indeed, invited to the banquet, some refuse to come, some ignore the invitation, and some were not worthy… What does that mean?
In the parable Jesus gives us a picture of our responses to God’s invitation to holiness and grace that will make us “worthy” of salvation and the wedding feast—the heavenly banquet. Some of us choose to live a life contrary to our Christian calling—living in sin, choosing sin. Some of us decide to worship other ‘gods:’ like those of selfishness, consumerism, apathy, lust, greed, addiction and consumption. Some of us live the blame-shame, and judging game—refusing the message of reconciliation and change, denying the way, the truth and the life we are invited to live. In the parable, Jesus tells us that the king asks: “My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?” That man was cast out of the wedding feast into darkness.
We are all invited and called to “put on Christ” in all things and circumstances—this is the wedding garment we are called to don in order to attend the feast! This is what will make us worthy: to be clothed in holiness, to be grace-filled, joyful, and sustained in love. We are invited today to inspect our Christian “garment.” Is it worthy of attendance to the feast? Ask yourself: are you truly clothed in Christ?
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc