Mary is the spiritual mother of us all because from the start she was united in the saving work of her Son, our Savior Jesus. Jesus entrusted Mary to us from the Cross when He told His Beloved Disciple to see Mary as his own mother (cf. John 19:27). Mary and the Beloved Disciple represent the Church and all disciples who are loved by Jesus. Every disciple of Jesus is gifted with a spiritual mother in Mary and in the Church since Jesus has entrusted us to their spiritual care.
Thus nurtured, we in our turn can reach out and bring Jesus to others, in a sense imitating Mary’s motherhood. Just as Mary accepted God’s Word in total faith and thus became the Mother of God, bringing Him into the world (cf. Luke 1:28-38; 2:6-7) so we as members of the Church should take Him to heart and manifest Him to the world, through our words and deeds. In a sense then, all disciples of Jesus are called to be motherly.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, that we, like you, might respond to God’s Word with faith and give witness to the Good News of your Son, Jesus, through our words and deeds.
David J. Conrad