The Letter of Saint Paul to the Romans is a “re-do” of the Ten Commandments, with Jesus’ greatest commandment to love one another thrown into the mix. This is very good advice! Address the wrongs and do it lovingly.
My sense is that we are told to always reconcile, to forgive, to prioritize our short time here to do the work for the Kingdom on earth; to deny ourselves and take up our cross (remember last week!). There is no better time than now to reflect on how you spend your time, talent and treasure—as we start a new school year.
So, BTW--If you have a musical talent, singing or playing, please consider giving your gift to the Church. Come and see me. We are all given different and necessary gifts. Not everybody is able to sing, but if you can, you should! We have a very active Music Ministry at St. Aidan, and I invite you to join us in praising God in song. (Do not worry if you don’t read music; teaching you to read and sing is part of what I do.) Your only requirement is a voice that sings in tune and the commitment to the Ministry. I am speaking up (as Ezekiel and Jesus tells us to today) and saying if you have a talent, you should be employing that ability to further the Kingdom! If you are interested in any of the Worship Ministries—call the office to volunteer! (Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers and Greeters, Arts and Environment—all take some kind of special talent—but, why not try?) There are many and myriad ways to serve!
Discern your responsibility to the kingdom. Please reflect and pray about your priorities and abilities in the giving and sharing of your gifts. You will be amazed what you receive when you give to back to God.
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc