While we advocate for the abolition of abortion at the state level, we must continue and expand all our efforts to accompany women and couples who are facing unexpected or difficult pregnancies, and we must always offer our love and mercy to those suffering from abortion. There are many charities we can support; here are two I am suggesting:
Consider donating to the Lennon Pregnancy Center in Dearborn Heights. The Center was vandalized early in the morning of June 23rd by pro-abortionists, who smashed windows and doors, and left a threatening spray-painted message on the exterior of the building. The Lennon Pregnancy Center provides enrichment, non-judgmental advice, education, counseling, and material assistance before, during and after pregnancy, and is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. https://support-lennoncenter.org/donate/
Mary’s Mantle is a residential program rooted in the Catholic faith. The home is designed to accommodate four expectant mothers at a time who are at least eighteen years old, regardless of their religious affiliation. Mary’s Mantle is a safe haven where expectant mothers can fully realize their potential as children of a loving God. http://marysmantle.net
Helpful Resources
It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. Project Rachel provides hope after abortion. https://hopeafterabortion.com
An extensive list of pro-life ministries in metro-Detroit can be viewed here: https://www.evangelicalcharity.org/charities/pro-life-ministries
David J. Conrad