The good news is that thanks to continued support for Catholic Services Appeal and Capital Improvement Fundraising, we were able to replace the church roof, resurface the south lot, replace the baptismal font, and repair the bell tower equipment in the years since the pandemic. However, the need continues as there are costly repairs, some of which we have already delayed. Our north parking lot, lighting throughout the church building, exterior doors and sanctuary speakers await quotes that we anticipate will exceed $500,000.
As was mentioned in our 2024 pulpit appeal for CSA, to meet these continued needs and rising costs, the Finance Council is requesting that St. Aidan parishioners prayerfully consider increasing their monthly offertory contribution by $30 per month. We realize that some parishioners might not be able to contribute extra funds at this time and others may consider that can contribute more. It is a testament to the good leadership of Father Kevin and cost saving guidance of our Finance Council that we have not had a plea for an offertory increase in over a dozen years.
If you have not signed up for Electronic Donations, or made a commitment to the 2024 Catholic Services Appeal, both are easily found on the parish website under the “Give” tab. After enrolling in the secure and time saving Electronic Donations, advise the office if you would like to continue receiving the mailed envelope service or not.
Paul Pyrkosz