St. Paul tells us today: “The love of Christ impels us…” I looked up “impel” in the dictionary. It means: to drive or urge forward; to incite or constrain to action; to propel or impart motion to; to start moving. Being impelled in our faith gives us the needed responses in any and all situations in our lives.
If we are impelled, or ‘pushed’ by Christ—rather than by the turmoil of this world—we will become a new creation in Him. The old way will fall away—like our panicking fear-response in crisis (as did the Disciples in the boat). In allowing God to “impel” us we will live in the calm that our faith gives us and we will be impelled to love in action. How to do this? Learn the refrain of today’s Responsorial Psalm: “Give thanks to the Lord, His love is everlasting.” Say it, sing it, believe it, and be at peace as He saves us in all things.
In the meantime: May God bless you, the people of St. Aidan, for all for your service, for giving your time, talent and treasure to this parish—for being impelled to action in our Community by Christ to work in service of the Body of Christ.
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc