The Gospel stories in these last few weekends have been explicit in what is required of a Disciple of Christ: The Lord is first before all things (even our loved ones); we are asked to take up our cross and to take responsibility for “the particular unfolding of God’s Providence in our life, no matter what that may entail good or ill”; and lastly, to renounce possessions—false comfort in things. Wow! Add “forgiveness” and “love your enemies” into this “recipe” for Discipleship, and it is obvious how challenging every moment in a life of Christ may be!
The call (and our response) to Discipleship is an every day, lifelong goal and commitment—not a one-time decision. It is about our priorities in the use of our time, our talents and gifts, our treasure: all gifts from God! Now is the time to decide to change: one moment at a time, one step, one day, one ministry, one charity, one church project, but—begin!
Where to begin? Right here, right now─with your family, in your home, and in your St. Aidan Parish Community. Ask yourself how you spend your time. Do you have a particular talent that would be a gift for the Liturgy and our people? Search your heart and sign up!
The Music Ministry (Adult and Children’s Choirs) will begin soon preparing for the new season of singing for the glory of God. It is not (and never) too late to sign up. If you have a musical talent, come and see me. If you are interested in this ministry and are unsure of your abilities, come and see me. If you like to sing, come and see me, for as Scripture says: “you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Answer the call to Discipleship; the call to share your gifts!
And Keep Singing! (Or start!)
Elizabeth Dyc