Today is the Fourth Sunday of the Easter Season, well-known as: “Good Shepherd Sunday.” In the Gospel of John today Jesus describes the differences between good shepherds and bad ones. He talks about the true responsibility and concern by a good shepherd: how one will lay down his life for his charges. He uses the image of the good shepherd to describe God’s love and care for us; and speaks of His willingness to lay down His life for us.
The image of the Good Shepherd is one of protection. There is security and trust for all in that Jesus (God) knows us: He knows when we wander, He knows when we do not follow where He leads—and yet He will seek us always, no matter what! St. John tells us in his First Letter: “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called children of God.” God loves us in his Son, Jesus, as His children, as His flock. The Lord Is My Shepherd! A Good Shepherd!
Keep singing!
Elizabeth Dyc